so are you ready? Crash Team Racing is the most sold out part of the Crash Bandicoot Series because of its unique story and characters and offers a wonderfully engaging and quite immersive game-play in which you can have any character from Crash Bandicoot Series, drive beautiful little carts and defat your opponents. Now you have the responsibility to get intothe character of the Earth Driver and race against Nitros Oxide in order to save the Earth. Crash Team Racing offers a beautiful story and that states that an Alien named as Nitros Oxide visits eat and challenges the Earth’s most talented Race Driver and the race begins on the terms of if Nitros Oxide Wins the Race he’ll turn the Earth into one big Concrete Parking Lot and If the Earth Driver Wins he’ll simply leave. Crash Time Racing is a 1999 Super Hit Kart Racing video game by Naughty Dog.